Creating social change one contact at a time

The Social Impact Advisor Network is a community of purpose-driven experts to help your nonprofit or social impact organization grow and thrive

 Monthly Events


Participate in monthly discussions with a broad cross-section of social impact leaders, investors, professionals, philanthropists and committed citizens about today’s critical social issues. Meet with a new group of social impact advocates to broaden your perspective.

SIAN Partners Directory


Are you part of a nonprofit or social impact organizations that needs to employ professionals that fit their needs? Be it fundraising, legal, accounting, marketing, investment or IT advice - just to name a few. SIAN has you covered! Check out our Partners Directory for more information.

Become a member of the Social Impact Directory

Belong to a select directory of professionals expert in servicing the nonprofit and social impact sectors. Publicly accessible, the directory allows purpose-driven organizations conduct advanced searches to hire the right consultant to help them grow and thrive.

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The Social Impact Advisor Network (SIAN) is a subsidiary of Fairlight Advisors